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Viruses deactivated and destroyed by Secondary Sanitation Technology
Secondary Sanitation Technology

Viruses deactivated and destroyed by Secondary Sanitation Technology

“Viruses are the smallest of all the microbes. They are said to be so small that 500 million rhinoviruses (which cause the common cold) could fit onto the head of…

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2560 1708 HealthySwim
Chloramines… the hard truth

Chloramines… the hard truth

Do you recall fond Summer memories when you get a whiff of Chlorine around a pool? Ever get off an elevator at a hotel and knew straight away that the…

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2560 1707 HealthySwim
Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP)
Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP)

Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP)

“Oxidation–reduction potential (Eh) is a measure of the ability of chemical/biochemical systems to oxidize (lose electrons) or reduce (gain electrons). A positive value indicates an oxidized state, whereas a negative…

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2560 1024 HealthySwim
Hospital Hydrotherapy… Pregnancy, pain and anxiety

Hospital Hydrotherapy… Pregnancy, pain and anxiety

Hydrotherapy is a very popular form of exercise for the mature population as well as for rehabilitation of patients experiencing a wide range of injuries as well as those who…

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2000 1414 HealthySwim
Swimming with Asthma
Swimming with Asthma

Swimming with Asthma

Is swimming a good activity for young Asthmatics?It’s well-documented that regular swimming activity can be great for those suffering from a medical condition known as Asthma. “Asthma is a medical…

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2000 1414 HealthySwim
Healthy or unhealthy workplace?
Healthy or unhealthy workplace

Healthy or unhealthy workplace?

“Historically, the heaviest mass inhalational exposures to chlorine resulted from World War I gassing. Currently potential human exposure to chlorine inhalation occurs in a variety of settings in the workplace”.Today’s…

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2560 1707 HealthySwim
Mineral Pools, are they chlorine free?
Mineral pools

Mineral Pools, are they chlorine free?

With the craze of ‘mineral’ pools that has hit the pool industry over the last 5 or so years, its important to understand how it all works. Let’s start with…

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2560 1707 HealthySwim
Welcome to HealthySwim

Welcome to HealthySwim

Hello and welcome to HealthySwim, an educational website dedicated to community health and water quality. Whether you’re a parent wanting to enrol your child in swimming lessons, a family looking…

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1200 800 HealthySwim
COVID-19 in the air and on the surface

COVID-19 in the air and on the surface

Critical new research by the National Institutes of Health (NIS) indicates that COVID-19, a strain of the Coronavirus, can survive in the air and on surfaces for extended periods of…

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2000 1414 HealthySwim
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