Microbiological Testing Setup Form

Microbiological Testing Service - Set Up
Microbiological Testing Set-Up Form. Please complete for each site. COMMERCIAL POOLS ONLY.
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STANDARD TESTING: Escherichia coli, Standard Heterotrophic Plate Count, Pseudomonas. ADDITIONAL TESTING: It is strongly suggested that testing for heated swimming pools and spas include Legionella testing. Additional cost is applicable.
STANDARD TESTING: Escherichia coli, Standard Heterotrophic Plate Count, Pseudomonas, Thermophilic Naegleria) ADDITIONAL TESTING: It is strongly suggested that testing for heated swimming pools and spas include Legionella testing. Additional cost is applicable.
STANDARD TESTING: Escherichia coli, Standard Heterotrophic Plate Count, Pseudomonas, Thermotolerant Coliforms) ADDITIONAL TESTING: It is strongly suggested that testing for heated swimming pools and spas include Legionella testing. Additional cost is applicable.
STANDARD TESTING: Escherichia coli, Standard Heterotrophic Plate Count, Pseudomonas, Thermophilic Naegleria, Thermotolerant Coliforms) ADDITIONAL TESTING: It is strongly suggested that testing for heated swimming pools and spas include Legionella testing. Additional cost is applicable.
PLEASE NOTE: Allow for 10 business days before testing can commence.
You agree to the following terms and conditions:
You agree to the following Occupation Health & Safety requirements:
We will be in contact soon. Thank you for your time.
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